What is the difference between reebok easytone and traintone

Consumers should carefully evaluate advertising claims for work-out gear and exercise equipment. For more information see: How's that Work-out Working Out? Tips on Buying Fitness Gear. According to the FTC complaint , Reebok made unsupported claims in advertisements that walking in its EasyTone shoes and running in its RunTone running shoes strengthen and tone key leg and buttock gluteus maximus muscles more than regular shoes. Beginning in early , Reebok made its claims through print, television, and Internet advertisements, the FTC alleged.

The claims also appeared on shoe boxes and displays in retail stores. One television ad featured a very fit woman explaining to an audience the benefits of Reebok EasyTone toning shoes. She picks up a shoe from a display and points to a chart showing the muscles that benefit from use of the shoes, while a video camera continues to focus on her buttocks. There is no need to resubmit your comment. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Written by : Julita. User assumes all risk of use, damage, or injury.

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However, that's where all similarities end. Reebok Easytone are a much more attractive pair of trainers in every way possible. Email This BlogThis! No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Weighted vests and weight loss do not go hand in hand. Yes, there is no denying it, weighted vests can help with weight loss and they are Bullworker Vs Isokinator.


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