Her birth and death occur here. Jesse lives in an adjoining apartment. This is where Brian works and where he and Anna live to give Anna some distance from her mother and the case. The rooftop is a favorite place to watch the stars. Brian gives the locket to Anna as a child after one of her donations.
It is a thank you present for helping Kate. Thirteen-year-old Anna sells it at a pawnshop to raise money for attorney fees. Browse all BookRags Study Guides. All rights reserved. Toggle navigation. Sign Up. Sign In. Get My Sister's Keeper from Amazon. View the Study Pack. View the Lesson Plans. It reminded me of that because it was written about people with cancer. There was a cancer love story where the unexpected one ends up dying.
I decided to write about Anna. In order to achieve her goal, she is suing her family, hoping that she will then be able to refuse giving parts of herself to Kate.
Anna is facing both internal and external conflicts. Externally, she is facing the harshness of her mother, Sara.
I predict that Anna will probably go through with the case in the end, and will most likely win. I feel like this will cause Sara to disown Anna, because honestly that was the reason that she had her, to keep Kate alive. Also I feel like Brian and Sara might get a divorce, because the tension between them is already pretty high since Brian took Anna to the fire station to stay with him for a while.
I read a lot of sad books, and this one really appealed to me. Study Guide. By Jodi Picoult. Previous Next. Fire Burning Bright In case you missed all the epigraphs throughout the novel, fire plays a huge thematic part of this story. What's Up With the Ending?
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