The Mayans M. However, the biggest cliffhangers in the series involve the fate of Taza Raoul Max Trujillo , and how EZ will fend of fellow Mayans who are rioting at the Santo Padre headquarters. Here's what to expect for Mayans M. FX greenlit Mayans M. The series order was made official prior to the penultimate episode of season 3, which is arguably one of the best productions to date.
The Yuma leader Canche survives EZ's assassination attempt in the show, and leads a rebellion at the Santo Padre headquarters in the final moments. Inside, Taza reveals details about his sexuality and club betrayal to Bishop, who must then make a fateful decision. They were also skilled farmers, clearing large sections of tropical rain forest and, where groundwater was scarce, building sizeable underground reservoirs for the storage of rainwater.
The Maya were equally skilled as weavers and potters, and cleared routes through jungles and swamps to foster extensive trade networks with distant peoples. Around B. This civilization developed into highly structured kingdoms during the Classic period, A.
Their society consisted of many independent states, each with a rural farming community and large urban sites built around ceremonial centres. The Maya civilization was one of the most dominant Indigenous societies of Mesoamerica a term used to describe Mexico and Central America before the 16th century Spanish conquest. Unlike other scattered Indigenous populations of Mesoamerica, the Maya were centered in one geographical block covering all of the Yucatan Peninsula and modern-day Guatemala; Belize and parts of the Mexican states of Tabasco and Chiapas and the western part of Honduras and El Salvador.
This concentration showed that the Maya remained relatively secure from invasion by other Mesoamerican peoples. Within that expanse, the Maya lived in three separate sub-areas with distinct environmental and cultural differences: the northern Maya lowlands on the Yucatan Peninsula; the southern lowlands in the Peten district of northern Guatemala and adjacent portions of Mexico, Belize and western Honduras; and the southern Maya highlands, in the mountainous region of southern Guatemala.
Most famously, the Maya of the southern lowland region reached their peak during the Classic Period of Maya civilization A. The earliest Maya settlements date to around B. The earliest Maya were agricultural, growing crops such as corn maize , beans, squash and cassava manioc. During the Middle Preclassic Period, which lasted until about B. The Middle Preclassic Period also saw the rise of the first major Mesoamerican civilization, the Olmecs.
In addition to agriculture, the Preclassic Maya also displayed more advanced cultural traits like pyramid-building, city construction and the inscribing of stone monuments. The Late Preclassic city of Mirador, in the northern Peten, was one of the greatest cities ever built in the pre-Columbian Americas. Its size dwarfed the Classic Maya capital of Tikal, and its existence proves that the Maya flourished centuries before the Classic Period. The Classic Period, which began around A.
At its peak, the Maya population may have reached 2,, or as many as 10,, Excavations of Maya sites have unearthed plazas, palaces, temples and pyramids , as well as courts for playing the famous Maya ball game ulama , all ritually and politically significant to Maya culture. Maya cities were surrounded and supported by a large population of farmers.
The Maya were deeply religious, and worshiped various gods related to nature, including the gods of the sun, the moon, rain and corn. They were thought to serve as mediators between the gods and people on earth, and performed the elaborate religious ceremonies and rituals so important to the Maya culture.
The Classic Maya built many of their temples and palaces in a stepped pyramid shape, decorating them with elaborate reliefs and inscriptions. These structures have earned the Maya their reputation as the great artists of Mesoamerica.
Guided by their religious ritual, the Maya also made significant advances in mathematics and astronomy , including the use of the zero and the development of complex calendar systems like the Calendar Round, based on days, and later, the Long Count Calendar, designed to last over 5, years. Serious exploration of Classic Maya sites began in the s. By the early to midth century, a small portion of their system of hieroglyph writing had been deciphered, and more about their history and culture became known.
Most of what historians know about the Maya comes from what remains of their architecture and art, including stone carvings and inscriptions on their buildings and monuments.
The Maya also made paper from tree bark and wrote in books made from this paper, known as codices; four of these codices are known to have survived. They are also credited with some of the earliest uses of chocolate and of rubber. One of the many intriguing things about the Maya was their ability to build a great civilization in a tropical rainforest climate.