This paragraph may lead …show more content… The fog is the motif that represents the memory of the author, an expression of guilt and culpability. The fog is misty and he cannot see the man clearly. He does't know the man or hasn't seen his face, but he kills the man under stress.
It isn't until the dead man dropped to the floor with a star hole in the eyes that the author feels fear and guilt. Although his comrade keeps on comforting him, his culpability left an utterly indelible mark in his mind. In reality, after the war, every time the author thinks or sees a fog, he relates to the war and brings back the painful memory. Fog triggers his memory and hinders his feeling. Furthermore, fog has another hidden meaning, this is a usage of the ambiguity technique.
The author is trying to bring out uncertainty with the fog. It's opaque, and may not be seen through. To portray a more realistic environment, detailed description was used throughout the whole narrative. The numbers are specific and provide us a clear image. These detailed memories also show the significance of them. We will know how tense the atmosphere is by reading through it.
The author counts the amount of grenades, worrying about the time, hoping that they can survive and their supplies will not be used up. He was anxious of the war, so do readers, we hope that the author can get through and stay alive. We can undergo what the author see and walk in his shoes. We would feel disgust of the dead body and generate a feeling that this would be result of a war and we should oppose it.
Furthermore, every moment of the incident was recorded comprehensively. Not only does the author want us to imagine the environment but also immerse ourselves into his character. In addition, the detailed descriptions reinforce the emotions of the whole story. The incident is memorable, the author recalls of every details of it. The author may be a soldier, but he is a human at the same time.
That is why the question rises: should he kill the young man? He died naturally within the two-week period the law requires before the act of an assisted death. I then had to wait three hours for the renal consultant to come and se me. He walked through the door followed by a bunch of doctors. He explained about the protein leaking out and how the kidneys worked, then he moved onto the biopsy, this info was scary. Also, it was said and confirmed that Adam shot and killed his mother before coming into the school that morning.
A major piece of information was released about Adam Lanza during the time of the event. They said this could have been part of why he thought of doing such a curl thing. When investigating the premises they found two other guns that Lanza had brought with him, a glock handgun and also sig-sauer handgun. Who do you save if you have the choice of the unborn child or the mother? This in my mind is Time and time again the mother uses not knowing who the father is as a way to eliminate complication.
This makes it difficult for a law to really be effective if one was put in place. It is the mothers body and 9 months of her life but she has made this mistake and must live with it if the father is willing to take all rights and responsibilities of this child [Williams, ].
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