When was botswana prison service formed

Offer does not apply to e-Collections and exclusions of select titles may apply. Offer expires December 31, Browse Titles. Add to Cart. Instant access upon order completion. Free Content. More Information. Lopang, Kamogelo, and Idowu Biao. Available In. DOI: Current Special Offers. No Current Special Offers. Abstract This chapter reports on a study completed in The study sought to find out the nature of education that the Botswana Prison Service dispenses and the utilitarian nature of the said education as regards the reintegration of ex-inmates back into society.

The conduct of the study was guided by three research questions and Mezirow's transformative learning was used as theoretical framework. Record of accidents to be kept Establishment and constitution of parole boards Eligibility of prisoners for release on parole Functions of parole boards Release on parole Breaches of parole Training and rehabilitation of prisoners Employment of prisoners Non-associated labour Employment of certain specified prisoners Employment of prisoners outside prison other than by public authorities Courts may order extra-mural labour for offenders Minister or Commissioner may order extra-mural labour for offenders Officers in charge to have ultimate control of offenders doing extra-mural labour Conditions of extra-mural labour Procedure where offender doing extra-mural labour is found to be unfit Procedure where offender doing extra-mural labour under order of court is recalcitrant Recall of offender doing extra-mural labour under order of Commissioner Major prison offences Minor prison offences Charging of prisoners Power to try major prison offences Power to try minor prison offences Solitary confinement and reduced diet Offences under this Act in relation to other laws Laws to be applied to corporal punishment Confinement of condemned prisoners Persons permitted access to condemned prisoners Authority for executions Information of executions and prisoners' instructions in connection therewith Procedure at executions Proscription of prohibited articles and powers of examination and search in connection therewith Seizure and disposal of prohibited articles Penalty for dealing with prohibited articles Unlawful communication with prisoners Prison officers' powers of arrest Persons loitering near prisons or prisoners to depart when required to do so Prohibition of photographing or sketching of prisoners and prisons Removal of certain offenders Official visitors to prisons Powers of official visitors Record of visits by official visitors Appointment of visiting committees Powers and duties of visiting committees Records of visits by visiting committees or members thereof Ministers of religion Prisons Council Functions of Prisons Council Impersonation Convicted prisoners unlawfully at large Sheltering prisoners Reward for apprehension of escaped prisoners Regulations Short title This Act may be cited as the Prisons Act.

Interpretation In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires- "appellant prisoner" means a convicted prisoner who is detained in a prison as a result of a conviction which is the subject matter of an appeal which has been entered or lodged but the decision in regard to which has not been given; "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Prison Service appointed by the President in accordance with section 9; [ 14 of , s.

Declaration of prisons The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette , declare any building, enclosure or place or any part thereof to be a prison. Declaration of temporary prisons The Commissioner may, by order published in the Gazette , with the approval of the Minister, declare any building, enclosure or place or any part thereof to be a temporary prison for the detention of such number of prisoners as the Commissioner may, with the approval of the Minister, determine.

Prison Service 1 There shall be a Prison Service for Botswana, the members of which shall consist of the following rank of officers, namely, senior officers, junior officers and subordinate officers. Commissioner of Prisons and Rehabilitation 1 The Commissioner shall be responsible to the Minister for securing the general efficiency of the Prison Service.

Method of filling vacancies A vacancy in a Prison Service post may be filled- a by promotion, that is by appointing a prison officer who is to be moved from another grade with an immediate increase in his salary; b by transfer within the Service, that is appointing a prison officer who is to be moved from another grade with no alteration in his salary; c on reduction in rank, that is by appointing a prison officer who is to be moved from another grade with an immediate reduction in his salary; d by recruitment, that is by appointing a person who is not a prison officer or who would cease to be a prison officer if the appointment were not made.

Appointing authorities 1 The person empowered to fill vacancies in a service post shall be known as the appointing authority for that post. Principle for filling vacancies 1 Where practicable, a vacancy in a Prison Service post shall be filled either by promotion or transfer within the Service. Appointment procedure 1 Appointment to all Prison Service posts shall be made by a letter of appointment addressed to the person appointed and signed by or on behalf of the appointing authority.

Limited engagement 1 Where a vacancy in a Prison Service post is filled by recruitment the person recruited may, if the appointing authority thinks fit, be appointed on a limited engagement. Probationary and trial periods 1 An appointment of a prison officer to a pensionable post shall be subject to satisfactory service in that post for a probationary period of two years.

Acting assignment 1 Where a Prison Service post is vacant or the holder of the post is absent from duty for any reason the appointing authority for that post may assign a prison officer to carry out the duties of the post. Scheme of service 1 The Commissioner shall prepare a scheme of service giving details of the composition of the branches within the Service, the duties assigned thereto, modes of entry and qualifications required, prospects of promotion, training facilities and other matters relating to service as a prison officer.

Training 1 The Commissioner shall appoint a senior officer who shall be responsible for the training of prison officers. Modes of leaving the Service The modes by which a prison officer may leave the Service are as follows- a on dismissal or removal under section 18 or in consequence of disciplinary proceedings; b on compulsory retirement; c on voluntary retirement; d on retirement for medical reasons; e on resignation in accordance with such conditions as may be prescribed; f on the expiry or other termination of a limited engagement; g on the abolition of his post; h in the case of a prison officer on probation, on making of an order under section 13 3 ; i in the case of a prison officer holding a non-pensionable post, on being discharged by his appointing authority; j on death.

Power of Minister 1 The Minister may dismiss or remove any prison officer if he is satisfied that it is in the public interest to do so.

Compulsory retirement 1 A prison officer appointed on permanent and pensionable terms shall retire from the Service on attaining the age of 62 years. Voluntary retirement 1 A prison officer holding a pensionable post may retire from the Service upon reaching the age of 45 years, or upon serving for 20 years of continuous service.

Retirement for medical reasons A prison officer shall retire from the Service if, in accordance with the prescribed procedure, it is found that he is incapable by reason of infirmity of mind or body of discharging the duties of his post and that the infirmity is likely to be permanent: Provided that this section shall not prevent a prison officer found so incapable from being moved to a grade in which his infirmity will not prevent the discharge of his duties.

Abolition of post 1 Where a post in a grade is abolished by the repeal or amendment of the enactment by which it was created, the appointing authority shall, if two or more persons hold posts in that grade, determine which of those persons is to be treated as the person whose post is abolished.

Discharge of non-pensionable staff 1 The appointing authority may discharge a person holding a non-pensionable post- a on the ground that he is physically incapable of performing the duties of the post; or b where he has not held a Prison Service post during the whole of the preceding 12 months, on the ground that he is generally unsuitable for the post; or c on the ground that the post is no longer required to be occupied.

Commissioner of Prisons and Rehabilitation. February May July Prison population trend year, prison population total, prison population rate Year Prison population total Prison population rate 6, 5, 6, 5, c 6, c c 5, c 4, 4, 4, Year Prison population total Prison population rate 6, 5, 6, 5, c 6, c c 5, c 4, 4, 4, Twenty babies behind bars in Botswana prison.

Botswana: Prison Meant to Rehabilitate Offenders.


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