Where is sleepwake button on iphone 4

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Siri Press and hold the side button or Home button to use Siri. Use the side, Home, and other buttons on your iPhone Learn about the buttons and switches on your iPhone.

Learn more Learn what to do if a button or switch isn't working. Find out how to identify your iPhone model. Learn how to use AssistiveTouch to adjust volume, lock your screen, use multi-finger gestures, restart your device, or replace pressing buttons with just a tap.

Published Date: October 22, Yes No. If restarting your iPhone doesn't solve the dark-screen problem, reset the device. Hopefully, you will see the Apple logo appear before you release the buttons.

If you don't, release the buttons anyway and then wait a minute or so for the iPhone to power down and turn back on again. If resetting the iPhone doesn't work the first time, try it once again. Restoring an iPhone to its factory settings is generally the last hope you have to resolve a black-screen problem yourself.

To do this, connect the iPhone to your computer and launch iTunes. After selecting the iPhone in the right corner of the screen or in the left sidebar, if you activated the sidebar option, click the "Summary" tab and then click the "Restore iPhone" button. When the restore process is finished, the iPhone should display a gray screen with the word "iPhone" on it. Drag the slider at the bottom of the screen and follow the prompts to set up your iPhone again.

This process restores your iPhone to its original factory condition. During the process, you are prompted to restore a previous backup to return your files and data to the phone.


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